“Holding on” is about bargaining,
primarily with yourself. For example, let’s say Ben dislikes his boss; they
don’t seem to see eye-to-eye on most things. Ben tells himself that if
he can just hang on until the end of the year, he knows he’ll get that promotion
and then
he won’t have to deal with her
anymore. Bargaining, in this context, allows you to wish—but sadly strips you
of the ability to make the wish come true.
In contrast, “letting go” is about
facing, and then dealing with, the reality or truth you’re confronted with. It’s
about kicking that “if/then” language to the curb, and instead, stepping up to carefully
consider your options, making the best decision, and then taking action by
following through with that choice.
In addition to our work lives, we
face this same dilemma in our personal lives.
Someone very close to me recently started a new job, after
the last two were short stints and unfulfilling. I caught myself saying, “If
I am able to set him up for success by purchasing these necessary tools for him,
he will be able to perform as expected, he’ll feel confident and happy in his
new role, and this opportunity will become the career he has always wanted.”
Writing my thoughts down on paper actually made me realize the “if/then”
language I had succumb to. You can help set others up for success and that is
an admirable gesture. But when you expect others to behave in a certain way
because of your actions—similar to my situation—you may be attempting to somewhat
control others using an “if/then” mindset.
So in my personal scenario, I decided to not give the new tools to this young
tradesman; instead, I offered to purchase and provide the brand new set of
tools to him now along with a one-year promissory note, outlining the expectation
that the loan will be paid off in one year. Once the note is satisfied, he becomes
the official proud owner of the shiny power drills, saws and screwdrivers. He
happily signed the note. He was provided with necessary items to begin his new
job. He has a responsibility, though, to pay for them. Yet, the tools alone
will not determine his fate. It is up to him to choose to arrive at the
scheduled start time. It is up to him to pay close attention to the direction
provided and learn how things need to be done. It is up to him to utilize his
newly-acquired skill-set and perform his best.

Similar to momma birds caring for their young and then
literally choosing to “kick ‘em out of the nest,” letting go is an important
part of helping others grow. Whether it’s with a colleague at work or a family
member at home, the art of letting go helps prepare others for not only this
next step, but the many more that will follow in the future.
(The pictures were taken from our flowering crab apple tree in our yard.)