Blog by Tracy Butz, CSP
According to Gallup, Inc., do you know the number one leadership
behavior that affects morale and productivity the most? It’s not attitude. It’s
not collaboration. It’s a lack of feedback. Providing candid feedback is an
art, not a science. It takes some degree of finesse…but also common sense.
Similarly, if you demonstrate 100 percent honesty without a
common sense filter, the conversation or feedback you are offering is not going
to be received very well. Instead of blatant or brazen honesty, slightly rotate your approach and apply candor
as a form of sincere expression. In other words, do your best to say the right
thing, to the right person, at the right time, for the right reason, and in the
right way.
In any given work week, there is at least one conversation
you’d rather not have; one conversation that you know won’t go well due to your
or the other person’s emotions coming unglued; or one conversation that can
overshadow the whole day, week or workplace because of the impact it could have
with ongoing relationships. Why not dodge these uncomfortable conversations
altogether? What would be the benefit of
learning to deal with these situations candidly?
First and foremost, those who engage in open and sincere dialogue,
free from reservation or holding back what needs to be said—report higher
levels of job satisfaction, confidence and performance results. By
communicating clearly and openly about what’s on your mind, you can be more
effective and productive versus spending countless hours and energy on worrying
about what may happen next.
In an upcoming breakout session at the Society for Human Resource Management's (SHRM) NationalConvention & Exposition on Monday, 6/24/19 in Las Vegas, I will be sharing the six step process to
achieving breakthrough relationships by maximizing candor and minimizing
defensiveness by engaging in “CandidConversations that Drive Results.” Here are six results-focused steps, which
if followed, will help you to transform your relationships, too. Each step is
simple, but not necessarily easy.
1. Clearly identify purpose before
engaging. Ask yourself these three questions:
- Why am I going to discuss this issue?
- What do I hope to accomplish?
- What would the ideal outcome be?
2. Consider timing and location.
- Address the matter as soon as possible, but timing is critical.
- Determine the location for the discussion; remember that privacy is important.
- Discuss the issue face-to-face and one-on-one; avoid addressing it via email.
3. Start with a statement that invites dialogue.
- Be sure to open with an opening statement that is cognizant of body language, sound of voice and the actual words you use.
4. Share facts, story, then
- See the facts.
- Alter your story (interpretation of the facts)
- Experience a different emotion.
- Change your behavior.
- Achieve a more positive outcome.

5. Encourage other person to share perspective.
- Ask for the other person’s input.
- Listen versus waiting for a pause to talk.
- Try to understand other person’s perspective, rather than focusing on driving your point.
6. Keep your emotions in control.
Prior to the conversation:
- PREPARE! Think through how it may go and how you’ve reacted in the past.
- Proactively access why someone would react this way and how you can best handle it.
- Consider your conflict triggers and guard against them.
During the conversation:
- Let other person speak; do not interrupt.
- Consciously lower your voice.
- Acknowledge the other person’s feelings; demonstrate empathy.
- Ask how s/he would like to see issue handled and/or offer options.
- If your emotions are elevating, state you need some time to continue the conversation.
- Express regret or apologize, if appropriate.
At the end of the day, candor is a tool. And just like any
tool, it can be used to create or destroy. You need to be aware of its
potential dangers to mitigate them. Candor carries some risk, but if you apply
common sense when using it, you will likely build
your relationships stronger than ever before.