Blog by Tracy Butz,
Think Impact Solutions
What is the meaning of the phrase, "Hard work pays
From my perspective, it means that by exerting an intense
effort of sweat equity and focused execution, you can achieve the goal you set
for yourself. It means rather than relying on luck, set a solid plan and work
hard toward it, reaping the fruits of your labor when you accomplish it. After
all, you don’t get what you wish for; you get what you work for.
Will there be obstacles? Yes.
Will there be mistakes? Yes.
But with hard work and determination, there are no limits.
As many of my loyal followers know, one of my passions is
landscaping—which to me, is the art of beautifying an outdoor space by
designing and reshaping visible features of an area of land in an aesthetic,
eye-appealing and creative way. And yesterday, I completed a project that I
have dreamed about since moving out to Colorado last fall.
See, in Colorado, residential areas often include more rock
than grass. And one side of our home landscape was covered 100% in river rock,
which lends very little curb appeal, and quite honestly, can be extremely
difficult to walk on to get from the back yard to the front. So after our stamped
concrete patio was professionally installed, I knew it was time to design a
paver walkway that would bring a savvy solution to our issue, offer a creative
flair that is unique and beautiful, and achieve an artistic sense of
accomplishment that would provide years of enjoyment. Yesterday, my hard work
paid off!
Yesterday I finished my dream of designing, planning and
executing a 48 foot paver walkway! It started with moving an incredible amount
of large river rock with a small hand rake, cutting out the weed barrier,
digging through hard clay to form a curvy path, hauling and/or rolling super
heavy Goldrush natural patio stones (approx. 16-in x 24-in x 2-in) one at a
time, applying polymeric sand under the rocks, laying countless bags of paver
sand, spreading even more bags atop the sand with paver base, and lastly placing
a layer of decorative pea pebbles to complete the design. Here are several
pictures of our natural stepping stone pathway.
Were there obstacles throughout this project? Absolutely! One
example was realizing that the natural type of rock I wanted was so heavy that
hoisting each of the 26 rocks out of my vehicle and essentially dropping them
one at a time into a wagon before hauling them to the side of the house was
EXTREMELY labor-intensive…more than I had ever imagined.

We all have skills and talents unique to us. And utilizing
our talents to the best of our ability is essential to helping us make our
dreams come true. But remember, dreams don’t work unless you do.
Dig deep and put forth a lot of hard work and determination in your next professional or personal project/initiative—and watch your dream become a reality.
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