Blog by Tracy Butz, CSP

With the above said, you can influence other people to do a particular task and amazingly, this
strategy works both professionally and personally. If you can tap into the
underlying desires people have, you will get amazing performance from them. And
if you’re a leader, the trick is to find alignment between what your people
want and what will help grow the organization. Here is a three-step process to
positively influence motivation:
STEP ONE: Ask the
individual what s/he wants.
The first step in finding what motivates others is to make time
to listen to them and find out what they actually want out of their job. The
key is to not make assumptions about what you think they want; rather, you need
to actually ask them what they want.
Maybe they desire:
- A new big title.
- More time off to spend with their family.
- To make more money to buy a new truck or send a son/daughter to college.
STEP TWO: Show people
how they can get what they want.
If someone wants to become a supervisor one day, offer ideas
of things s/he can do to help make that happen.
STEP THREE: Allow others
to get what they want while also benefitting the organization.
When my oldest son was 11, I remember him wanting to buy a
motorized dirt bike for $400. I even told him I would pay for half of it. While
he thought that was generous, he didn't have any other money for the purchase.
So I gave Taylor a list of extra chores he could do around the house—like
cleaning out the garage and raking leaves so he could earn some money.
He became a dynamo of energy as he tackled chores he
otherwise loathed doing. The difference was he was doing them to get what he
wanted. Meanwhile, I also got work done in a way that freed me up to do other
things, namely landscaping which I love to do. That's what made the whole thing
a true win-win. I found alignment between his personal goal and my desired
So even though the secret to motivating other people is that you can’t do it, you can dramatically influence others when it matters most.
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